Keeping up with Samsung Austin Semiconductor
Posted on 12/01/2020 by Samsung Austin Semiconductor
November 2020
Samsung Austin Semiconductor has been a proud member of the Central Texas community for more than two decades, and we’re looking forward to celebrating our 25th birthday in February!
Below are a few highlights of our notable achievements, including our new corporate responsibility report as well as our employees who give their time to make a difference in our community.
You can also read our full corporate responsibility report here.
Environmental Highlights
Samsung Austin Semiconductor is passionate about sustainability and committed to continuously reducing our environmental footprint. We believe climate change mitigation is critical towards securing a better future and creating a sustainable world. Through the adoption of four key pillars: renewable energy, greenhouse gas/energy reduction, employee commute, and green purchase and procurement, we have been able to continue reducing our impact to the environment.
Zero Waste to Landfill Certification
In 2020, Samsung Austin Semiconductor was recognized for advances in sustainability, one of them being the Zero Waste to Landfill Validation. Awarded by UL, the validation of Zero Waste to Landfill Gold Operations, 97% diversion with 4% thermal processing for energy recovery is a significant accomplishment for the company in our journey to achieving Zero Waste. Through identification and reclassification of key waste streams, Samsung Austin Semiconductor has been able to transition from common waste management methods involving landfill and incineration to recycling and reuse.
“By pursuing zero waste to landfill validation, Samsung is demonstrating its commitment to reducing waste as a key sustainability initiative at the semiconductor sites,” said Alberto Uggetti, vice president and general manager, environment and sustainability division at UL. “The Zero Waste to Landfill achievements at its semiconductor sites reflect its dedication to the environmental leadership and UL is pleased to validate its efforts.”
Along with more efficient waste management methods, we also support the Zero Waste goal through on-site education and interaction with our employees involving recycling and proper waste segregation. Employee involvement and commitment to sustainability is vital to achieving this goal and also encourages them to practice the same methods while away from work. Onsite recycling efforts include everything from food to office supplies to even Christmas trees which includes an annual recycling event held each year for our employees after the holiday season.
Keeping Our Promises to Support Central Texas
The first half of 2020 was unlike any other in our company’s history. While the COVID-19 pandemic changed our perspectives on many things, it reinforced our commitment in supporting our community.
In response to the impact of COVID-19 to our Central Texas community, Samsung Austin Semiconductor donated $1 million to support organizations making a difference, including: All Together ATX ($500,000), Crisis Support for Students ($300,000), Central Texas Foodbank ($100,000), as well as strategic partner funding ($100,000).
Our employees also generously contributed $21,000 for various charitable organizations throughout Central Texas, as well as $6,000 to the Central Texas Food Bank, an equivalent of 24,000 meals.
Continuing to support our philanthropic efforts of “Manufacturing Potential” was critical for 2020. Many of our local nonprofit organizations had to pivot, providing in-person learning to a virtual environment – and did so successfully.
Our core values are based on the prosperity of all. By working together and supporting each other, this too shall pass. We look forward to the day when we can gather as a work family once again. Until that day comes, we will continue to be diligent, safe and healthy
Partnership Recognition from Manor ISD
At Samsung Austin Semiconductor, we pride ourselves on our commitment to chipping in to support our community. We know that being a good corporate citizen isn’t something to strive for, but a requirement. Of special importance to us is our longstanding engagement with Manor Independent School District (Manor ISD). During the last 15 years, our partnership with Manor ISD has been incredibly fulfilling for Samsung Austin Semiconductor and beneficial for the school district.
Because of our corporate philanthropy and employee volunteerism at Manor ISD, we have been humbled to receive multiple awards from Manor ISD. In October, we were recipients of Manor ISD’s Excellence in Education Award in “recognition of the longstanding partnership, direct services and generous financial contributions that lead to student success and promising futures.”
We also were nominated by Manor ISD, and received, the 2020 Business Champion Award presented by the Austin Chamber of Commerce. This award is presented to companies that are helping prepare, inspire, and provide opportunities to students and adults across K12 and higher education.
What is most fulfilling, beyond the recognition from Manor ISD that we so greatly appreciate, is making an impact on the lives of students through our mentorship and philanthropy programs. So many of our employees serve as mentors for Manor ISD students, helping foster a growing interest in STEM education, and what’s more – many mentor/mentee relationships have lasted from middle school to graduation. The impact is incalculable.
Our corporate philanthropy program has also been more important than ever in this challenging year. Samsung provided $100,000 in COVID-19 relief to Manor ISD, freeing up dollars for the district to be able to do the many other things necessary in order to serve their students and families.
We are so grateful for the continued opportunity to partner with Manor ISD, their recognition of our work, and the ability to grow and strengthen our relationship for years to come.
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