More collaboration would lead to better transportation in Central Texas
Posted on 10/16/2017 by Walter Zaykowski
On October 16 the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) will consider a proposal that could help the Austin region work better, plan better, and ultimately be more competitive for state transportation dollars.
Every five years, CAMPO creates a 20-plus year plan designed to meet the needs of the growing region. Every two years, the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), is created and lists projects in the region that have received approval to begin construction in a four-year time period. Beginning Spring 2018, if adopted, the CAMPO proposal will determine what projects receive CAMPO’s allocated dollars for the 2019-2022 TIP through new selection criteria.
So, what does this mean for those of us tired of getting stuck in traffic? Simply put, the selection process could become much more transparent. The greater Austin region would be on an even playing field with other major metropolitan areas across Texas. This also means we will be able to compete for future discretionary funding opportunities through the Texas Transportation Commission.
Next year CAMPO will allocate nearly $400 million for regional transportation projects over the next four-year time period. This has more than quadrupled the $37 million that was allocated for the 2015-2018 years.
These efforts by CAMPO are important in order to maintain the Austin region’s competitiveness and allow us to successfully handle the transportation needs over the next several years and coming decades. We hope that the board adopts these proposals, and continues looking to the future for our region’s transportation needs.
For more information on the Greater Austin’s Chamber transportation efforts, click here.
Related Categories: Public Policy, Transportation