What Your School Can Learn From Akins High School

Posted on 01/28/2016 by Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce

Every year Central Texas families miss deadlines and the opportunity for thousands of dollars they could use to pay for college. Akins High School, recognized for “2015 Highest Overall FAFSA Submission Rate: Large Campus Category” at the Chamber's State of Education, has addressed this better than most.

The key, according to Akins college advisor Sarah Simmons, is making the burdensome financial aid process fun.

“My students deserve a life without poverty," said Simmons. "Higher education is the one thing that I know stands a chance at breaking that cycle [of poverty].”

Akins college counselors use incentives:

  • Students who complete their FAFSA/TAFSA by Valentine’s Day (2/14) will get a pizza party.
  • Students who complete their FAFSA/TAFSA by March 15 get raffle tickets for a “Life After High School” gift basket, which include fun, self-sustaining tools young adults need to make it on their own.

Simmons also uses Twitter and text messages to reach her students.

“We get our best response from students when we text their personal phones. It's quick and in front of them right then. They feel like they're getting one-on-one support when they realize that they can text us back and we'll respond quickly. If we had access to parents, I would be willing to bet we get the same response,” said Simmons.

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Nine Central Texas school districts have the capacity to target texts to students through the Counselor Ready Portal from OneLogos, which was financed by the Austin Chamber and its DTC70 partners. Beginning on February 1, 2016, schools will be able to send and receive texts from parents.

To see where your high school ranks for FAFSA and ApplyTexas submissions click here.

Related Categories: Education and Talent