The long road to SXSW 2025 begins in late June, when the PanelPicker interface opens for speaking proposals for next year's Conference. Attend the June 27 edition of Tacos & Topics to learn more about the PanelPicker process — and how you can craft a speaking proposal for SXSW 2025 that has the best chance for success in a very competitive process. The June 27 edition of Tacos & Topics is also a great opportunity to get basic logistical information on all the many ways you (or your business) can leverage the magic of SXSW. All this plus, plenty of tasty breakfast tacos and delicious Idlewild coffee!

Limited seating, so please register ASAP to ensure your place at this event.

If your plans change and you're unable to attend, kindly let us know by emailing

Featured Speaker
  • Hugh Forrest

    Co-President & Chief Programming Officer

Pivotal Partners

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