How to diagnose and resolve individual employee performance challenges

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It’s in the interest of all concerned parties for an employee to perform at their highest level — including the company, the management team, customers, colleagues and the employee themselves. When a team member’s work regularly falls below the standards a leader knows they’re capable of or a previously high-performing employee’s work starts to decline, it’s cause for concern, and the situation’s unlikely to improve or resolve on its own.

As a manager, identifying the root cause of performance issues requires careful observation and effective communication. Below, members of Business Journals Leadership Trust discuss steps and strategies for diagnosing and addressing individual employee performance challenges. Follow their advice to revitalize your team and encourage each employee to reach their full potential.

Here are the insights from Mark D’Agostino:

Have a conversation with them as soon as possible.

Early conversations help. Sometimes life takes over, and things may be happening in the employee’s home or life. Having early conversations may allow the employee to open up about the situation and feel more comfortable sharing what’s going on. It can be a reengaging moment. –

Mark D’Agostino, ConnectedHR

Leadership Business Journal v2a

September 16, 2024

Name: Betsie Frohwerk
Phone: 4408760040